How much would you give up today for the hope of something more tomorrow?
Sarah Perkins has never been a people person. With a fractured family tree and haunting memories from her childhood, she has always found her haven in the company of animals. When an unexpected patient arrives at the veterinarian’s office where she works, Sarah faces an impossible choice. It’s one that will almost certainly affect her future working with the creatures she loves.
The only place that provides a path forward is Pigeon Grove. It requires Sarah to step out of her comfort zone and face her past head-on alongside a mother who doesn’t understand the full weight of her problems.
The universe provides signs that are like guideposts along our path through life, if you take the time to notice them.
Noah Everett never remains in one place for long. His single-engine plane supplies a convenient escape from human attachment. Experience has shown, nothing good ever lasts in his life, except for his loyal basset hound, Lois. When he’s forced to make an emergency landing in a most unusual spot, it’s impossible for Noah to avoid his biggest fear. Becoming stuck in a small town around people who learn too much about him.
Fears provide a way for us to become the truest version of ourselves.
Through a connection with the night sky, animals, and a healthy dose of serendipity, Noah and Sarah discover what’s been missing from their lives. Open and honest communication. Whether they have the courage to face their truth, both alone and together, might just be written in the stars.